Medical Terminology
Price: $280.00 | Online | English content and audio | Non-refundable course | Meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) |
The online Medical Terminology course teaches you the professional language used in healthcare. The course will familiarize learners outside the health care industry to understand the language of medicine.
What you'll learn:
- Introduction to the language of medicine.
- The basics of human anatomy and physiology.
- Analyze and understand medical terms and medical abbreviations.
- Spell and pronounce medical terms precisely.
- Read passages containing medical terms accurately.
Who should take the Medical Terminology course?
- Any professional interested in understanding and applying the healthcare language. The course is also suitable for those not currently involved in healthcare.
- Medical billing, medical coding, medical administration, emergency responders, public safety and any other medical-related professional.
Canadian Red Cross Online-Based Learning
- Self-directed: Learn at your own pace by working through the training materials online.
- Duration: Approximately 12 to 24 hours online.
- Knowledge check on each module: You will need to pass the test at the end of each module with a score of at least 70%. You will be able to review the module content and try as many times as necessary to complete the course.
Advance your career with a certification
- Successfully completing the course will earn you a Medical Terminology certificate.
Medical Terminology Course Modules
Module 1: Introduction to Medical Terminology
You will be able to discuss the reasons for learning medical terminology. Define the word parts that make up a medical term and analyze a medical term using a defined process. Recognize the importance of pronouncing and spelling medical terms accurately. Also, identify the roles of prefixes, combining vowels, roots/stems, and suffixes in building medical terms. Understand why a combining vowel is used. Finally, discuss the correct method for pluralizing a medical term.
Module 2: Body Structure
We'll review the human body's basics to help you understand its different systems. Once you complete this module, you'll be able to tell the difference between anatomy and physiology. You'll describe how the body is organized and identify the terms used to describe its cells, tissues, glands, and organs. We'll also cover body planes, directions, and cavities and give you an overview of the roots that apply to the body systems. You'll learn to recognize, spell, define, and pronounce terms related to glands, tissue, and organ procedures. Finally, you'll receive a concise summary of the various medical specialties associated with each body system.
Module 3: Word Parts
In Module 3 of the Medical Terminology course, you will learn to define and spell the common anatomical roots for each body system. You will also be taught the meaning and spelling of commonly used suffixes and their definitions that pertain to diseases, diagnostic procedures and surgical procedures. You will learn to identify the suffixes that convert a medical noun to an adjective and how to pronounce them. Additionally, you will learn the meaning and spelling of commonly used prefixes. Finally, you will be capable of defining the prefixes that refer to position, direction, size, and number, as well as identifying prefixes with the same meaning and the ones with opposite meanings.
Module 4 to 15: Going Deeper into Each Human Body System
During the Medical Terminology course between Modules 4 and 15, you will learn to recognize the structures of each system and define, spell, and analyze the terms related to each of them. In addition, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the medical terms commonly used in each human body system.
Module 4: The Integumentary System
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin
- Epidermis, Dermis, Subcutaneous Tissue and Related Organs
- Word Parts for the Integumentary System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
- The Integumentary System Vocabulary and Abbreviations
Module 5: The Breast
- Breast Classification and Anatomy
- Word Parts for the Breast (Roots and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
Module 6: Musculoskeletal System
- Anatomy and Physiology of Bone & Muscles of the Musculoskeletal System
- Tissues of Bone
- Anatomic Landmarks of Bone
- Joints, Muscles and Characteristics of Muscle
- Pathology of Muscular Diseases and Common Diagnostic Procedures
- Word Parts for the Musculoskeletal System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
- Vocabulary and Medical Abbreviations of the Musculoskeletal System
Module 7: The Nervous System
- Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System
- The Nervous System is Divided into Three Major Structures
- Impulse Transmission
- Central Nervous System
- Diagram
- Protection for the Brain
- Blood-Brain Barrier
- Spinal Cord
- Peripheral Nervous System
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Pathology of Diseases of the Nervous System
- Word Parts for the Nervous System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
- Vocabulary
- Abbreviations
Module 8: The Sensory System
- The Eye, Inner Eye and Outer Eye
- The Ear, External Ear, Middle Ear and Inner Ear
- Word Parts for the Ear and Eye (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- The Ear and Eye Term Analysis and Definition
- Vocabulary and Medical Abbreviations
Module 9: The Cardiovascular System
- Types of Blood Vessels
- Structures of the Heart
- Heart Function
- Blood Circulation
- Conduction System
- The Blood
- Blood Type and Blood Donation
- Word Parts for the Cardiovascular System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
Module 10: The Lymphatic & Immune Systems
- The Lymphatic System
- Lymph Nodes, Fluid and Glands
- Immune System
- Word Parts for the Lymphatic and Immune Systems (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
- Vocabulary and Abbreviations
Module 11: The Respiratory System
- Functions ad Structures of the Respiratory System
- Process of Breathing
- Word Parts for the Respiratory System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
- Vocabulary and Medical Abbreviations
Module 12: The Digestive System
- Functions and Structures of the Digestive System
- Accessory Organs of the Digestive System
- Peritoneum
- Diseases of the Digestive System
- Word Parts for the Digestive System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- The Digestive System Term Analysis and Definition
- Vocabulary for the Digestive System
- Digestive System Medical Abbreviations
Module 13: The Endocrine System
- Structures of the Endocrine System
- Function of the Endocrine Glands
- Word Parts for the Endocrine System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
- The Endocrine System Medical Abbreviations
Module 14: The Reproductive System
- Male Reproductive System
- Word Parts for the Male Reproductive System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition (Male)
- Female Reproductive System
- Internal Components of the Female Reproductive System
- External Components of the Female Reproductive System
- Pregnancy
- Word Parts for the Female Reproductive System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition (Female)
- The Reproductive System Medical Abbreviations
Module 15: The Urinary System
- Kidneys (ren/o nephr/o)
- Ureters, Urinary Bladder and Urethra
- Urine Production in the Kidney
- Word Parts for the Urinary System (Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes)
- Term Analysis and Definition
- The Urinary System Medical Abbreviations